A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

The build of the game isn't working atm. So if you try and download it it won't play. Gonna fix it later, thanks for having a look  xooxox

The last three months I have been learning how to use FMOD. Here is the project I put together in this time. All the sound design, and music were created by me. Most of the sound layers were originally recorded by me besides a few... such as the layer of a lions roar I used to create the final boss's voice. 

There is one level in total where the speed you complete it and the amount of enemies you kill = total points you get.

Press the number keys: 1, 2, 3 to change weapon. Use WSAD to move. Click to shoot. Spacebar to jump. Hold shift to sprint. 

Hope you enjoy playing and listening :)


Sam Wain - Innerspace .app.zip 100 MB
Innerspace - Sam Wain - Windows.zip 90 MB

Install instructions

Just download the application folder - a unity build- and either play them mac application or on windows i think its the .exe file. 

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